Member Benefits

There are many benefits to MSG membership, both tangible and intangible. Foremost, you will have the opportunity to participate in a vibrant community of metalsmiths in Michigan, the Midwest and world wide. Membership with MSG helps to support our activities which include workshops, lectures, exhibitions, this website and more. The Michigan Silversmiths Guild is a non-profit organization that serves the arts community. Membership is open to anyone who has an interest in the arts.

Among the many benefits of membership are:

  • Discounted rate for workshops taught by artists and teachers established in the field.

  • MSG Member Gallery, where you can highlight up to 10 images of your work, and a link to your personal website.

  • Participation opportunity at the Jewelry & Objects Exhibition. This is a juried biannual exhibition of members work, which has been held for the last few years at the Ann Arbor Art Center.

  • Participation opportunity at the MSG booth in any of the art fairs the Guild is participating in. In 2024, the Guild will be at Plymouth’s Art in the Park, Ann Arbor’s Summer Art Fair, and the Brighton Street Fair. This is an annual juried event that allows artists to gain experience with selling work in an art fair within a supportive group setting for a reduced cost. This event also offers daily demonstrations of metalsmithing techniques that allows artists to gain experience with demonstrating and the general public an opportunity to see how work in metal is made.

  • Membership dollars can be used to support student workshop scholarships.

  • Voting rights at the annual All Membership Meeting and Tool Swap.

  • Annual Holiday Party

The MSG membership cycle starts on September 1st and ends August 31st of the next year. What this means is that your membership will become active for the 1-year cycle indicated on the membership form. For example, if the membership form states that it is for the 2031-2032 membership cycle, upon payment, your membership will be active from September 1st, 2031 until August 31st, 2032. Please ensure that the membership form you fill out indicates the membership cycle for which you intend to be a member in.

Member and non-member offerings:

  • MSG lectures that are FREE and open to the public.

  • Four newsletter that are published quarterly.

  • Opportunities to volunteer (We can always use your help!)

If you prefer to mail in your membership registration, please download the form here.